Saturday, February 21, 2015

Equation thinking to understand and apply

usually we in our daily and professional life think in very complex way. this thing leads us to stress, disappointment , fear of failure , boring mind set, loosing mind set and have negative impact on us. it demotivates us  to accelerate and achieve what we want.
here i am going to start a series of simple equations what will be useful in making our mindset , take things simple and focus for success in life. always approach in ant thing with this thinking.

1-Always look for the straight equation for every thing.
2-there is always a straight equation between input & out put
i.e  Input = out put   always
what we do usually we go for the losses or we see only result or what we get in actual
this must not be the case anyway.
e.g heat generation = heat absorption/used whether we take  out put 100% or loose some of the energy there is always equation.
we must not go for losses or other things before but after understanding the total relationship between things. in above example we know that we obtain less heat than we generate. true but we must not believe it in start that heat out put is less rather we should equate it then think of improving it by looking at the portion we lost during the transformation or we are unable to use/
this example is to make you understand only .
i will in series tell about different simple equations we need to think & follow and be motivated for our objectives  whether it is weight loss , success in exams, or business model or technology initiative.

my focus point is this straight relation ship will help you understand the situation fully and will drive you to right path for success. there is no straight relation between things then there will be ambiguity that will lead to failure 

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